26/01/2025 18:00
Total Prizepool 200€

League of Legends 2vs2 @ Battlenet 3D Nea Smirni | January 2025

• Participation is finalized by registering through the tournament sign-up form.
• All participants must arrive at least 30 minutes earlier for check-in at the store where they registered.


>Rules: https://rebrand.ly/lolns2vs2rules
>Looking for a teammate: https://discord.gg/rhknTbj5
>Τournament channel : https://discord.gg/nXbY5MxrkA


Date & Time
Sunday, January 26th, 15:00 GMT+2.


1st – 100€
2nd – 50€
1st Second Chance – 50€

Fill in the form.

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Player 1 Name
Player 2 Name
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Terms & Conditions
Tournament Terms & Conditions 2025 – All Promotions

January 2025

The competition is organized by the company with the name “LAN Communications Ltd.” and the distinctive title “LANcom Ltd.”, registered in Thessaloniki at 40 Vasileos Irakliou Street (hereinafter Organizer).

The competition will be announced via the BNETGG application and Battlenet Gaming Stations social media.

The duration of the competitions is determined in each case through announcements on Battlenet Gaming Stations social media and in the tournament rules.

Organizer's Rights:
The Organizer reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of the competition at its sole discretion, to extend, reduce or cancel the competition, as well as to revoke or change the prizes, for any reason. These modifications will be binding on all participants.

Personal Data:
Participation in the competition implies the participants' consent to the processing and use of their personal data by the Organizer, in accordance with the GDPR regulations. Participants have the right to access, update, correct and delete their personal data, as defined in Law 2472/1997 and Law 3471/2006.

Data Management:
The personal data of participants in the competition may be transferred to third parties - sponsors, as stated in the announcements. These third parties may contact participants for promotional purposes in accordance with the terms of their agreement with the Organizer.

Advertising and Data Protection:
The Organizer reserves the right to use the personal data of participants for advertising purposes. In addition, participants give their consent to the publication of their names, photos and videos for advertising purposes, in accordance with the legislation on personal data protection.

Communication and Data Management:
The Organizer reserves the right to contact participants for information purposes regarding future actions or activities that may be of interest to the participant, as long as the participant has not submitted an explicit request to be removed from the communication list.

The Organizer is not liable for any damages arising from participation in the competition or the use of the prizes, nor for any accident, damage or harm caused to participants.

End of Promotion:
Upon completion of the promotion or the Organizer’s decision to end it, entries will no longer be possible and new entries will not be considered.

For any additional information, modification or deletion of their data, participants can contact via email at [email protected].

Participation in the competition indicates acceptance of the above terms and conditions and implies the waiver of any claim against the Organizer.